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Lately I have felt exhausted, constantly. Last year, I could get up after 8 hours of sleep and be productive. In the last few weeks I have been waking up, barely making it to the living room chair and sitting watching tv and sleeping for another hour or more.


Last week, I decided to start taking some vitamins. I am taking a multivitamin and an iron supplement (I was anemic with DD and for 6 months after). I took the vitamins for 3 days and felt great! I missed one day and I am dragging again....I took them this morning, in hopes of feeling better tomorrow.


I eat an iron rich diet - beans, red meat once a week, chicken...We eat veggies daily. I admit, we don't have the best diet; but it is not awful. I do drink soda and have been cutting back on my daily intake, but I am doing it slowly. I have not had headaches from withdrawl.


I teach dance, I am very active for 2-4 hours a night.


Any ideas on how to boost my energy and feel better?

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Get some blood work done. Have your iron and your vitamin D levels checked. you might as well throw in thyroid as well. For the iron, make sure they check BOTH the hemoglobin AND ferritin as you can be low in ferritin but not in hemoglobin.


Once you know why you're tired, you can more effectively address the cause of it. I suspect iron might be at least part of the problem, but get it checked.

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