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Need help with Teaching Textbooks...


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A while ago I had asked if I could install our TT on more than one computer. I was told yes. This was good, because we were waiting for my sons laptop from the school to be ready, but I wanted him to start math. So, I put it in our desktop computer and did the set up. Ds is on lesson 6 problem 17. Now we got the laptop and I just put the disc in there and did the setup. It's all set to go....but it shows nothing completed for lesson 1 through lesson 6 problem 16 (which is what has already been accomplished). I guess I didn't even realize this would happen. Now what? Do I just have him click on lesson 6 problem 17 and not worry that all the previous lessons will be marked as undone (my OCD is gonna love that!)? :blink: The gradebook won't be filled in for those lessons either then. :glare:

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I haven't used TT yet, but I have read a lot about it and I think that is exactly what you're going to have to do. The gradebook doesn't transfer from one computer to another from what I understand. It's not saved on the disks, but on your computer. Keep that in mind because if your computer crashes, you'll lose the whole gradebook.

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I do know it is possible to transfer the gradebook from one computer to another. Last year, we had computer problems so had to transfer the gradebook. I contacted Teaching Textbooks and they provided me with the instructions for how to do the transfer, unfortunately I don't remember the details or specific instructions and didn't keep any notes of the procedure so I can't tell you how to do it. Contact Teaching Textbooks directly to get assistance. Their service and support is fantastic.

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I do know it is possible to transfer the gradebook from one computer to another. Last year, we had computer problems so had to transfer the gradebook. I contacted Teaching Textbooks and they provided me with the instructions for how to do the transfer, unfortunately I don't remember the details or specific instructions and didn't keep any notes of the procedure so I can't tell you how to do it. Contact Teaching Textbooks directly to get assistance. Their service and support is fantastic.


Thank you. I wondered if I contacted them if they would have a way for me to do it. I just figured with the weekend that I'd ask here first. I'll e-mail them today and hopefully get a response from them tomorrow. Thanks again!

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In general, most programs have a back up option. Find that and back up to a flash drive. Take the flash drive to the new computer and restore it to the new computer. Look for those kinds of options in the program.


I don't have TY, but I have done this with numerous programs.

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In general, most programs have a back up option. Find that and back up to a flash drive. Take the flash drive to the new computer and restore it to the new computer. Look for those kinds of options in the program.


I don't have TY, but I have done this with numerous programs.



Sooooo.....what's a flash drive?? :001_huh:

:lol: I'm kind of kidding. :blush:

I think my dd might have one. I wouldn't have a clue how to use it...she'll have to do it.

I did e-mail TT today. I'll let everyone know what they have to say once they respond.

This is kind of a bummer....because now I won't want ds switching back in forth between the laptop and the desktop to do his math. :glare:

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Exporting the grade book is super simple. Right click on the icon and a menu will pop up. Click "open file location" and there will be an option that reads "Grade Book Transfer." Click on that and a box will pop up with 2 options: "Export Grade Book" and "Import Grade Book" (which you will need to do on the other computer). Click Export and send it to a thumb drive (flash drive), pop it into the other computer, then (on the other computer) go through the exact same process, except this time you press "Import." Easy-peasy. HTH!

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Exporting the grade book is super simple. Right click on the icon and a menu will pop up. Click "open file location" and there will be an option that reads "Grade Book Transfer." Click on that and a box will pop up with 2 options: "Export Grade Book" and "Import Grade Book" (which you will need to do on the other computer). Click Export and send it to a thumb drive (flash drive), pop it into the other computer, then (on the other computer) go through the exact same process, except this time you press "Import." Easy-peasy. HTH!


Yep...pretty much this.

All they told me was: "If you login to the parent area, there is information on the gradebook transfer feature." It took me a little bit to figure it all out. When you click on Parent and put in your password, you'll come to the Parent Home Page. What you need to do is click on the blue "Help" button on the bottom (they didn't tell me that). That brings you to a Table of Contents.

#6 is: What if I want my student to work on more than one computer, or I need to switch from one computer to another? Is there a way to move the student's grades back and forth?

#7 is: Is there a way to backup my student's grades?

So, it can be done. But...I do need to get a flash drive now.

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  • 2 years later...
Guest cushwalk

Great comments above, I wanted to add something as I have encountered a particularly challenging situation with Teach Textbooks and the Gradebook Transfer process.


My daughter's laptop failed (hardware issue), but the hard drive was fine.  I was able to connect her hard drive to another computer and copy the C:\Program Files (x86)\Teaching Textbooks folder onto the working computer.   The problem is that when you run GradebookTransfer.exe, the parent login did not work.  After a bit of sleuthing, I determined that the database where the parent password and grades are not in that folder, rather they are in: D:\Users\Public\Documents\TT Math x folder: CDconfig.dat, mathxdat and programdat.  simply copied those files to my PC into C:\Users\Public\Documents\TT Math x and I was able to transfer the grades without issue.


Hope that helps,


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