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Math Woes


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Am I the only one with a child that has to constantly relearn what they previously learned? This is really not our only issue. It's one of many. My DD just will not remember what she has previously learned and isn't progressing in math much at all. We have repeated MUS Alpha. We are now repeating MUS Beta. Most of what we are learning in Beta right now (we are on Lesson 10 today), she should remember from doing it previously. She acted this morning as though she couldn't even line up numbers in the correct columns to add them together (it was a very simple story problem). We have not gotten to multiplication yet AT ALL.


She is 9! I am worried. Her brother who is in 2nd grader has caught up to her and is bypassing her in Math.


She was counting dimes and knew she had to count by "10's", but counted 10, 9, 8, 7..... by mistake making the same error all this week and part of last week.


It took going over it 3 days for her to understand how to round to the nearest 10. She finally understood it. Today I gave her some review work. When she saw it, she was lost. Her 7 year old brother understood it completely after looking at the video just the first time.


I added in Singapore 2a and am doing it twice a week along with MUS Beta only because I am so worried about her, don't want her to get anymore behind than she is already, and I don't want her brother to suffer since he is insistent that he does MUS with her. I don't think MUS is enough for him. I only use it for her because it is the ONLY math she has ever understood. To my surprise, she has done better than her brother in the first 2 lessons we did in Singapore last week. I definitely don't want to switch her again. I used Singapore for her when she was younger and it started moving too fast for her.


I would love some advice! She couldn't write $ .67 this morning like that when the problem instructed her to use the decimal system. She has learned over and over what a decimal is and place value over and over and over...

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My uneducated guess would be some type of working memory problem... Hopefully people with knowledge of such will post. :)


Have you considered using a spiral program? Then she'd be constantly seeing the problems every day. CLE would be my first choice. Saxon might also be an option.

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My DD had a similar problem when we used MUS. I always read how you should choose a math program and stick with it, so we used MUS for Primer through Gamma. At the start of Delta, I gave up because I was so disappointed at how little she was retaining. She hated math and it was always a struggle.


We switched to CLE and now she doesn't mind math at all! She is retaining SO much more and her math scores went way up. The constant spiral of concepts really helps her. We love it!

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