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Apples Daily Spelling


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My dd used this and she is still a poor speller. We did not see any improvement at all. :confused: However, I have heard others say this did work for their dc.


Thanks. I am worried that my son will whip through the pages to get it done and not retain anything. I have SWR for him, I just need more hours in my day to get it done.

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Thanks. I am worried that my son will whip through the pages to get it done and not retain anything. I have SWR for him, I just need more hours in my day to get it done.


I know what you mean. I have AAS levels 1-5 on my shelf. DS is on book 2 now, but I just can't seem to work them in to dd's schedule. We are very thankful for spell check right now. :tongue_smilie:

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If you used this how was the retention? Was your student able to use the rules he learned in his writing and other school work? Was your child a struggling speller before using this and did it help?


My son used it for a few months but he really needed something more basic and remedial, and more review.


But one thing that occurred to me as I read your post--I don't think that a spelling program accomplishes what you want 100%. It gets you part-way there--it presents the spelling concepts to your child. Learning to apply them, to edit, to consistently think about them--this takes practice, and some kids need to be walked through that process quite a bit, and to have lots of help. No matter what you use, you may still have to spend time teaching him how to edit (most kids want writing to be done in a 1-step process!). Here's a blog article with some ideas (geared to AAS but you could adapt it to other spelling programs too). HTH some!


Merry :-)

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My son used it for a few months but he really needed something more basic and remedial, and more review.


But one thing that occurred to me as I read your post--I don't think that a spelling program accomplishes what you want 100%. It gets you part-way there--it presents the spelling concepts to your child. Learning to apply them, to edit, to consistently think about them--this takes practice, and some kids need to be walked through that process quite a bit, and to have lots of help. No matter what you use, you may still have to spend time teaching him how to edit (most kids want writing to be done in a 1-step process!). Here's a blog article with some ideas (geared to AAS but you could adapt it to other spelling programs too). HTH some!


Merry :-)



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