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FLL and WWE questions...


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FLL covers grammar.

WWE covers composition.


Even though they might both have copywork, narration, and dictation, they're for different purposes. I use both. They complement each other nicely and are designed to go together.


If I could only choose one, I'd go with WWE if the child is very young (ie, if grammar really isn't essential).

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FLL covers grammar.

WWE covers composition.


Even though they might both have copywork, narration, and dictation, they're for different purposes. I use both. They complement each other nicely and are designed to go together.


If I could only choose one, I'd go with WWE if the child is very young (ie, if grammar really isn't essential).


:iagree:Plus, there are a lot of free vintage grammar texts, but FLL is only around $10 for the first 2 levels so you might be able to swing both. Oh, and I wouldn't buy them new at a bookstore. Amazon or Sale/Swap board (FLL is non-consumable in Levels 1 & 2).

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