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behavior modification

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I think my oldest two need some sort of team work exercises or something. They can't do anything without bickering about it. Dd2 especially likes to screech about everything and dd1 is so bossy, bossy doesn't even begin to describe it. Here the last few days it's started as soon as they get up in the morning. I can't take it anymore, especially not at 6am.


A little bit ago, we had to stop their assignment early because they were fighting over a glue stick. I made them stop, put everything away, then mediate while the gayatri mantra played in the background. No particular reason, except that seemed much more peaceful than bickering. I have relaxing music playing now, and sent them off to do other things.

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Have you read any of my responses where I suggest writing love letters? It works like a charm to stop fighting at my house. I'm not looking forward to the day when it stops working. When the fighting and bickering have become out of control, I've made my boys write love letters to each other. They have to write, "Dear (Brother), I'm sorry we were fighting. I love you. I like you because . . . (and here they have to put 3 things they like about each other.). It is pure torture for them. Now that they've had to do this a few times, I just need to mention love letters when the fighting gets too crazy, and the behavior immediately improves. That's some good behavior modification in my book! :lol:

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Have you read any of my responses where I suggest writing love letters? It works like a charm to stop fighting at my house. I'm not looking forward to the day when it stops working. When the fighting and bickering have become out of control, I've made my boys write love letters to each other. They have to write, "Dear (Brother), I'm sorry we were fighting. I love you. I like you because . . . (and here they have to put 3 things they like about each other.). It is pure torture for them. Now that they've had to do this a few times, I just need to mention love letters when the fighting gets too crazy, and the behavior immediately improves. That's some good behavior modification in my book! :lol:


you're a cruel woman. ;) :D I'll have to try that

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Have you read any of my responses where I suggest writing love letters? It works like a charm to stop fighting at my house. I'm not looking forward to the day when it stops working. When the fighting and bickering have become out of control, I've made my boys write love letters to each other. They have to write, "Dear (Brother), I'm sorry we were fighting. I love you. I like you because . . . (and here they have to put 3 things they like about each other.). It is pure torture for them. Now that they've had to do this a few times, I just need to mention love letters when the fighting gets too crazy, and the behavior immediately improves. That's some good behavior modification in my book! :lol:


Nice! Saving this for mine when they get bigger. :D

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