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Needs help with getting up earlier!

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I need to get up earlier.


My problem? Well sleep of course.


I am getting hot flashes and sometimes they wake me up at night. I haven't slept through the night since I was in early pregnancy with ds3 (later pregnancy I was getting up to pee in the middle of the night :)). Even now I wake up at least once in the middle of the night.


We also go to bed late. 10:30 is the earliest everyone gets to bed. I need it to be earlier but it just doesn't happen. This is partly my fault and I can work on that.


Now for the hard part. I want to be up by 6am. I need to be. I like to get the majority of my work done before the kids get up for school. Getting up at six would mean I only need 1 more hour of work after they get up instead of two.


So how do I drag my bum out of bed at 6am? Even with an alarm I still can tap it and make it shut up :).



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As weird as it sounds, maybe you'd find waking up earlier to be easier?


For me, I don't know if it's my sleep cycle or what, but I find waking up between 6 and 7 to be pretty much impossible. I just cannot get out of bed and am completely out of it for about half an hour if I do manage to. But, I can usually get up between 5 and 5:30 without much problem if I set my alarm for then.


I'd experiment a little, and see if it's possible that an earlier time might work better with your sleep cycle.

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My husband makes the coffee in the morning and fixes my cup of coffee with milk and sugar and then I get up (he sends our chocolate lab in to wake me up) and we have time to chat. That motivates me to get up at 5 am. Otherwise I sleep in.



Ha! I wish. My dh is still sleeping even now, and this is normal. If he gets up before 10am it is early.

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As weird as it sounds, maybe you'd find waking up earlier to be easier?


For me, I don't know if it's my sleep cycle or what, but I find waking up between 6 and 7 to be pretty much impossible. I just cannot get out of bed and am completely out of it for about half an hour if I do manage to. But, I can usually get up between 5 and 5:30 without much problem if I set my alarm for then.


I'd experiment a little, and see if it's possible that an earlier time might work better with your sleep cycle.



Oooo excellent idea! I hadn't thought of that!

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