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Has anyone use Time Travelers by home school in the woods?


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I'm using the New World Explorers right now with dd8 and it is blending perfectly with Trail Guide to Learning-Paths of Exploration. We have been doing it in our rotation block on Wednesdays. Sometimes it takes only one session to do a lesson and other times it takes two or three sessions. We haven't been supplementing with any other readings, but I have looked up pictures or a little extra information on the internet for a few things.


I had considered beefing it up and allowing dd12 to use it as a stand alone but her interest waned and it became like pulling teeth to get her to do any of it so we dropped it for her. That isn't a reflection on the product though as she looses interest in things quicker than the weather changes in TN.


Dd8 is really enjoying it and so far has a really nice notebook to show off to people. It is just enough information so as not to overload, and the activities are easy and fun. So far, we have done all of the activities in each lesson except for building our own boat. We skipped that because my dc have made boats out of boxes monthly for the last 3 years. :tongue_smilie:


I felt a little overwhelmed when I saw all the printing that needed to be done but I've broken it down to 5 lessons at a time. I print out a copy for me(which I keep in a folder in case we need really quick extra copies and someone is using the computers) and a copy for her. I go ahead and put the pages in her notebook with enough card-stock to accommodate each lesson. I use a small tote to gather and store the unusual supplies we may need for those lessons too. So far everything has run very smoothly and all of the projects have turned out looking really nice. We plan to keep doing these as they seem to line up almost perfectly with the next several years of Trail Guide.

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