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kid's clothes

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While I certainly understand what you're saying -- there's a lot of trashy kids clothes out there -- I also think there's a lot of cute kids things, depending on the time and money you're able to expend on finding it. (You either need more time to sift and search through sales, or a lot of money, lol...)


I try to keep my eye out for sales and deals at favorite places. Many have already been mentioned here... Some things really are just way out of my price range (Papo d'Anjo! so cute! so expensive!), but others have pretty regular sales with clearance prices that can rival Target and Old Navy.


I tend to try to get basics where they're inexpensive and fit my kids. (For instance, when dd was 7, she wanted "skinny" jeans like all of her friends, but she was already so small, Old Navy was the *only* place I found that carried "skinny" jeans in a size 5slim.) And then I'll spend a little more on cute t-shirts (really, those are what they're going to wear every day anyway, not the adorable blazers and jumpers) or other items that are "fashionable" enough for the kids, but fit my standards as well.


As others have said, I can't expect *everything* in a given store to appeal to me. I plan to weed through and find the things I like. ... I can count on many things at Gap Kids meeting my standards, but not all. I can expect very little to appeal to me at Justice. I can expect pretty much anything from Tea to make me happy.


Places where I keep an eye out for clothes for the kids:









And, of course, the old standbys of GapKids, Old Navy (for cheap basics -- and a lot of things that make me roll my eyes, lol), Target, sometimes Gymboree... REI and other outdoors type stores sometimes have good things...


YEs, ditto this. The cherokee brand at Target actually has a cute vintage line right now. I bought a few things for my twins.

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I am so grateful for this thread. My older daughter is swiftly outgrowing the kids' section, and I am definitely not ready to face the juniors' department.


Other ideas I haven't seen mentioned are LLBean.com, dharmatrading.com, and etsy.com. LLBean is pretty straightforward. Dharma Trading sells all white clothes ("blanks") that you can dye whatever color you want (they sell dyes too). That's my plan for this winter, and Sweetie is so excited to pick her colors! Etsy.com is useful because there are lots of folks who will make clothes for you... my sewing skills (and patience!) aren't up to much wardrobe-creation at this point, but the lovely ladies on etsy are very willing!


Off to browse all the suggestions!


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