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My turn: Transition from Singapore 6B to Saxon Algebra I

Suzanne in ABQ

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Well, I know this has been discussed ad nauseum through the years, but I didn't pay enough attention. My 13yods has completed Primary Mathematics all the way through 6B, and is now starting Saxon Algebra I (in a small private school). He has the option of doing Saxon Algebra 1/2, but I'd rather go with Algebra I, if we can. I'm wondering about "holes".


I understand why Singapore reserves certain subjects for higher levels. But, Saxon is going to assume that ds has covered some of those things. We have just stumbled into the land of negative numbers (not covered in Singapore Math), and I'm gonna go back and help him figure those out. What else will he be missing? I remember hearing that Saxon introduces some probability and statistics, but what does that look like at that level? What else will he have missed.


Is there a resource I can go to that will show me what he didn't get in Singapore Math that he will need in Saxon Algebra I? I'd like to at least know (and let his teacher know) what to expect, so we can prepare him, or be prepared to help him.


Would he be better off just doing Algebra 1/2? Some background: Ds is not a math whiz. It took him through 7th grade to finish Primary Math, even though he started in first grade. He understands things when he does them, but forgets and has to re-learn. On the other hand, if things are too easy, he gets slack and rushes through, and misses important details.


Bottom line: two questions:


What is covered in Saxon before Algebra I that isn't covered in Singapore through PM 6B?


Can a child who has successfully been through Singapore PM6B go straight into Saxon Algebra I, or are they better served going into Algebra 1/2?

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I think that if they are good at math and had no difficulty with Singapore, then they can certainly go straight into Saxon algebra. My older son is not very math oriented and needed a breather year before starting algebra, so I did let him do Saxon 1/2 in seventh grade, but then I used Videotext with him for Algebra I and II.


My younger son was still completing Singapore 6 at home the year he started algebra work with a tutor using Brown, Dolciani's Structure and Method book.

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I think that if they are good at math and had no difficulty with Singapore, then they can certainly go straight into Saxon algebra. My older son is not very math oriented and needed a breather year before starting algebra, so I did let him do Saxon 1/2 in seventh grade, but then I used Videotext with him for Algebra I and II.


My younger son was still completing Singapore 6 at home the year he started algebra work with a tutor using Brown, Dolciani's Structure and Method book.



Thanks Regena,

My daughter went from PM6B straight into Video Text as well, and did very well. They have that first module of pre-algebra, though, that introduced negative numbers, and bridged the gap with the language between arithmetic and algebra. I'm sure there will be lots of those little "holes", just because Singapore doesn't really name very many things.


Today, in Algebra, he had to learn the term "unit multiplier". He was freaking out because he had no idea what that meant. Turns out we knew what it was, and could use it, but neither of us was familiar with that term. It frustrates him and makes him feel dumb. The Alg. 1/2 probably would have helped him with gaps like this, but I'm not too worried. I think he'll do better if he's challenged, and I don't think 1/2 would have kept him interested.

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You might look at the Scope and Sequence published for each provider and see what you can match up, unless you get responses here or can find a review elsewhere. :0/



Thanks Patty. I think I remember a chart somewhere, that compares them. Maybe it's on singaporemath.com? Or maybe I'm thinking of the one that compares Miquon with Singapore. I'll look some more. I was just being lazy, hoping someone here could just tell me! :)

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