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My throat hurts - whine

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I need to whine to someone who is not my dh. I'm sure he's tired of hearing me. ;) And I can't whine to any of my non-hsing friends because their answer will be, "That's the price you pay for homeschooling."


My throat hurts. We are on week 3 of school. I read to them A LOT! History is read aloud, science is read aloud to the girls, all of my 1st grader's directions must be read aloud to her because she's still struggling to learn to read, spelling words are read aloud. Then there's all the other talking I have to do just to give directions or be a mom.


I don't really have a question. I just needed to get it out. I feel better now. (Well, my throat doesn't, but you know what I mean :tongue_smilie:)

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Thanks! I will have to try it.


I spent most of the afternoon NOT talking, and then had to talk to parents out at dd's soccer practice since I'm the team manager.


I'm definitely looking forward to getting used to all the talking/reading again. I don't remember it being this bad in years past.

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