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I'm just going to whine a 'lil

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So, here we are a week from starting school and I still do not have my 7th graders history down solid. I feel like I have no motivation to do it this year.


I have been though, what seems like a lot on my plate this year. So many changes and I feel overwhelmed, and discontent.


I have anxiety/depression and was on medication for 5 years for it. I have not been on anything for about 4 months now. The medications were harsh, and really didn't seem to help. And it was he** getting off of them.


I hate to take a pill to fix everything. Yet I do not have any motivation to try and change things either. I know I could probably eat better, but most times do not have an appetite, and nothing sounds appealing. I was on prilosec, and came off of that so I think a lot has to do with being nervous that my stomach will becaime upset. Which it has before. Yet, I do not want to stay on that medication since I have Iron Def Anemia.


My 18 yo is starting CC next week. We got her car registered, but things need to be done to it. Nervous she has to drive the highway back and forth.


My husband has sleep apnea. And now they are talking surgery. We are self employed and he cannot take time off from work to recover. No income. And we are already suffering from lack of income.


I have an inlaw who is snarkily asking me when I am going to get a job.


And winter is right around the corner, and I loathe that time of the year, I wish we could get out of here and into a warmer climate. I love having the windows open, or at least be able to walk to my car in shorts and flip flops and not freeze my butt off. This state I live is sucks, and where we live there is NOTHING to do.


I guess I just have no motivation, and bored with the same old thing. There is no money to do anything, and I am tired of the same things day in and day out.


Okay rant over.

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If it helps - when DS was in 7th grade, he chose to just read, read, read for history. We had scored some Time-Life books of America by the Decade (or something like that) from the thrift store for 10 cents each. He got more books from the library and just read lots of history and autobiographies.


That was his favorite year ever and he is still a real history wizard. It was a real win.


Sorry about the other issues - I wish I could wear shorts and go barefoot all year too.

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