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Atelier alternative?


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Hey guys, My boys (8 and 10) are really into art and are advanced for their age. We spend an hour on art daily, so it's an important part of our curriculum. I spent a lot of dough on the Atelier program because it seemed many of you guys were into it. I should have researched it better. It's not for us.



Edited by Alveraz
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Hey guys, My boys (8 and 10) are really into art and are advanced for their age. We spend an hour on art daily, so it's an important part of our curriculum. I spent a lot of dough on the Atelier program because it seemed many of you guys were into it. I should have researched it better. It's not for us.


We're looking for something with a little more life, creativity and something modern. My boys who love abstract and wild art, and more boyish things like super-heroes, dragons, monsters, etc. They don't relate to this elderly lady and her hour-long cat painting or apple still-life. This is very dry and "old-school" (if you will) for my kids. Anyone know of any exciting art programs out there? This is boring my kids to sleep.


Was this program made in the 80's? Just curious. Sorry, I'm just real frustrated by this thing.


I'm so sorry you spent money on it and they didn't like it. I was lucky enough to borrow a copy from a friend first, and dd8 actually hated it (which surprised the heck out of me). I posted about that here and think only one other person had the same experience. The good news is you should be able to re-sell it for the price you paid.


We really like Artistic Pursuits in our house, but we don't do it all that much. Mostly my kids end up doing art on their own. Mark Kistler art lessons can be interesting (try getting his book from the library or trying out some of his free online lessons).

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Does it have to be an 'art' program? My boys began building and painting model airplanes. They've been doing this for 3 years and I'm shocked at how well they paint. One of my sons sews stuffed animals - he does not use a pattern, but gets the proportions from his animal books. He has also sewn capes and masks and we've dyed silk scarves. Have you considered doing handicrafts instead?

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Thanks for the help guys!


Yeah, we just started on model airplanes too, so that has been great! We just picked up on some Kistler stuff, so far so good.


FWIW, if anyone wants our Atelier program, I just threw it up on ebay, it's brand new:



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I bought it as well and am not as happy with it...but then I am a former art teacher. (note: I am working full time while hs and needed something more independent)


I just pulled up some of my links that I used:



I am sad this site has changed so much! It used to just be a site of videos of this guy creating a ton of cool stuff. My boy students LOVED the projects from this site. (One year they brought in old shoes and they used paper-mache to make giant feet of some sort. It was a blast!) But it looks like Disney bought it.... :glare:



This is a little more structured and no so "boyish" but it is a neat site.



Learn the elements and principles of art.



This site is LOADED with tons of lesson plans and projects.



I used this site to get ideas for lessons. (Again I am a former art teacher, so I would see something on here, then pull info about the artist, ect...and then do it in class)







These are just some random links that are good to play on.


I also have a subscription to Mark Kistlers draw squad. (I am a child of the 80's and grew up watching him on Secret City!) My girls LOVE his drawing videos. We throw it up on the projector in our school room and they practice drawing while watching him.


Hope that helps!

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Can you tell me what you don't like about it? I really wanted to purchase it for my girls while it was discounted but just couldn't pull up much info on it. Reluctantly, I passed it up. Now I'm feeling a little better.


Would love to hear something about Atelier. I've just heard people say they love it, but not even why.

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