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I live on one of the NJ barrier islands oh boy

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this is the first manatory evacuation since Hurricane Gloria in 1985, which veered away from here and did almost no damage. The news said that there is no-one alive in our county that has been in the direct path of a hurricane (at least here in this county) so they are worried that people will not leave. Our neighbors are not leaving. All of our extended family lives within 10 miles of us we are all going to my nephew's house which is 8 miles away. Probably not far enough but it is the only place we can go. They will let us bring our 8 cats and they have a huge basement for us all to stay in. Also sil and bil will be staying there (they live just over the bridge from us and just rec. manantory evac. orders.


Dh is coming in from Philly (he had to work late). I put everything outside in my garage (neighbor helped me). A huge oak chest fell on my leg in the garage. Tore the skin off from my knee to my ankle, but no broken bones. Another neighbor cleaned it up and wrapped it up for me. Never even hurt which was weird.


Went to get gas, the line was LONG and they said stations are running out. Employees were directing traffic, it was crazy. Also tourists were leaving town as fast as they could. We will leave tomorrow.

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:grouphug: Will be thinking about you! Stay safe. Hope your leg is ok!


I lived on the coast of CT when Gloria hit. We didn't have much damage at our house, but we were without power/water for a while. I was 10 or 11 and it was my first hurricane.

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