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At what point do you look for a different therapist?

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Am I the only person who has had calls go unreturned and questions unanswered? What do you do if you have gotten to the point of having an evaluation done but the doctor or therapist who recommended further treatment won't answer your questions? Have you ever asked for copies of your records and taken your child elsewhere because you didn't like the service?

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Yes, I have. And it was a very good decision. Just last Friday I tired of one clinic's inability to get me a referral for dd into another clinic. They have only been working on this appt for 3 months-and it was their idea! I called another dr we use that has a similar practice, explained the situation, and she was able to not only get me the referral on Friday at the same place the other clinic was referring me to, but was also able to get me an appointment for this Wednesday. I don't get why one can't seem to do it after 3 months and 2 office visits and the other can do it so quickly.


I also switched OTs when my son was taking OT. I should have done it sooner. We wasted too much time and money waiting on the first one to follow thru with her promises.

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We have done this with doctors and therapists. I get their entire chart (remember, you are the legal owner of it, they are merely the custodian - if they give you issues with getting it) and walk. We did it with our last pediatrician and it was the best move ever. We did it with two therapy centers that ignored our children in a very twisted way. It was the best thing we ever did.

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We have changed doctors/therapists many times for various reasons. Difficulty with getting a referral is number one on our list. I try not to burn my bridges in case I need to go back to a practice some day. I got fed up with the psychiatrist at one practice where we also go for play therapy. Now I have to see him in the waiting room everytime we go there. Oh well, it is good character building for me!

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Thanks for the replies. I appreciate your been there/done that opinions. I went ahead and scheduled an apt with someone else and requested our records. Then, almost right after than the first place called back to an set up a phone call with the therapist to answer my questions later this week and I got a brief response to some of the questions I asked earlier.


Now I don't know what to do. :confused: Acat raised a good point about not burning bridges. But I'm so mad about waiting nearly two months for a promised consultation to go over the results of the testing that now that now I'm not even sure I want to talk to the first therapist!


I don't know much about the other place I found, but they sounded very helpful on the phone. I'm almost afraid to even hope that they might actually be helpful to us.

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Could the call be BECAUSE you requested your records? They realized, "uh oh, we messed up and she's leaving, quick let's help her"? Or was it truly just bad timing? 2 months is way too long. It just is. If you don't want to burn bridges, you could just chat with them and tell them even though you are leaving their group because you feel it's just not a great fit at this time, you would love to keep them in your file if things change down the road. I have used that one many times and always had a very nice response to it and no funky awkward moments when I saw these people later on.

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Yes, Beauty, I'm quite sure they finally called me back because I requested our records, not just because of bad timing! I'm frustrated it took so long, but I'm going to listen to what they have to say in our telephone conference. I might or might not go to the other place, depending on that conference.


There's a wait to get into the other place. I've already waited a very long time at this first place. Maybe the wait will soon be over and I'll get some answers soon.

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