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U.S. History timeline sentences?


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Anyone have some good ones to share? Song format would be even better. This is what I have come up with so far... (long verses are to traditional ABC tune, short verses are to Alpha-pig's ABC tune). DD loves it; I'm not satisfied with it. It doesn't have to be quality literature, but something better than this...


Long ago, some Asian folk

Crossed the Bering Strait without a boat,

Spread throughout two continents –

We call them Native Americans.

Leif the Lucky Viking left his clan,

Found a new place in Newfoundland.


In 14 hundred ninety-two,

Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

Landed in North America,

Thought he was in India…India.


Jamestown was the first colony,

In Virginia, named for the virgin queen.

John Smith helped the people survive,

Pocahontas saved his life…saved his life.


In 1620 the pilgrims came

The Mayflower was their ship’s name.

They left their home to worship God,

Started over at Cape Cod.

Squanto helped them keep on living

To celebrate the First Thanksgiving.


Any suggestions? Someplace I could get ready-made sentences or a song/poem for all of U.S. history?


Thanks in advance!

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