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Art for the Kindergartener


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I think Doing Art Together would be great for this! It is Based on the methods taught in parent-child workshops at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. I love how it walks you through even setting up each station and was a big help for a very non arty person like myself. I also like that it isn't crafty, but painting, sculpting, and collage.


The book is cheap at amazon- http://www.amazon.com/Doing-Art-Together-Muriel-Silberstein-Storfer/dp/0810926679


But after a quick google search it also looks like there are you tube videos and other sites about it. I didn't use those, but I bet there is lots of good info!

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I think Doing Art Together would be great for this! It is Based on the methods taught in parent-child workshops at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. I love how it walks you through even setting up each station and was a big help for a very non arty person like myself. I also like that it isn't crafty, but painting, sculpting, and collage.


The book is cheap at amazon- http://www.amazon.com/Doing-Art-Together-Muriel-Silberstein-Storfer/dp/0810926679


But after a quick google search it also looks like there are you tube videos and other sites about it. I didn't use those, but I bet there is lots of good info!

Thanks! I'll take a look at it. I'm interested in something more artsy than crafty too.

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I'm not sure if you want art appreciation or just art, but for the just art part look at deepspacesparkle.com. It's the blog of an art teacher with tons of free step by step lessons. I did several of her lessons with my crew at home this year and they all turned out great! The kids loved it! I am not an art person, so if I could do it, anyone can. She has the lessons arranged by subject, medium, or grade level. I think you'll really like it.

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