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Galloping the globe

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Wondering what everyone thinks of this? Did your kiddos enjoy it?


I don't have any formal Geography scheudled into our day yet (just whatever map work comes with SOTW) but my kids love looking at maps and learning about other countries - I thought this might be a good fit and not too expensive (I like the Evan-Moore books but they are $20 per continent...ouch!).


Thanks for your thoughts.

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Just to be sure you understand, this is NOT a curriculum that you open and do. It's a LIST of other resources and ideas, so you do a fair amount of planning to use it. Great if you want to organize your FIAR studies or something like that.

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Just to be sure you understand, this is NOT a curriculum that you open and do. It's a LIST of other resources and ideas, so you do a fair amount of planning to use it. Great if you want to organize your FIAR studies or something like that.


:iagree:GTG is a complete unit study that requires core books and some planning. It is much more than geography. It has suggestions for science, history, Bible as well.


They also publish the Trail Guide to World Geography. It has 3 levels in one book but you get a notebook for each level on cd rom, or pdf download from currclick. It has daily geography/map drills and geographical terms for 36 weeks. The notebook includes pages for writing about cultures, but you have to do your own reading/research.

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