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Totally overwhelmed, former SL-user needs a hand held!

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I have used Sonlight's curriculum since 2004 {with some occasional side steps to other areas, but mostly using Sonlight as our core for history, science, language arts, writing, grammar, spelling, etc}. And Math U See. For Science we did Sonlight and some Noeo.


This year we are completely changing everything we have done in the past. I read WTM and Teaching the Trivium and am starting up a Classical Conversations group this year for my kids to be a part of which we are excited about. I LOVE the classical method and I love how my literature-leaning has led me to the classical method of education.


For Math... I am using Math U See still... with LOF for my older daughter, AND Right Start Math for my 8 year-old dyslexic daughter who needs more kinesthetic type math.


For Language Arts... {for my younger non-readers and beginning readers} I am using the PAL reading and writing program {By IEW's Andrew Pudewa} and I am so excited about it! The Phonetic Farm looks awesome and I know my girls will love it and the stickers! The writing uses AAS which I have heard awesome things about which I hope will help my dyslexic daughter as well.

{For my older kids- 10 and 11} they will be in the Essentials class at Classical Conversations getting their writing from IEW and grammar from Essentials}. I am supplementing a Latin program as well and Prima Latina copywork.


For History... they will get the bulk of that from CC but we will be using SOTW 3 and possibly 4 to go along with what they are studying at CC. We also have the Kingfisher Encyclopedia to supplement when needed. And of course great history books from SL to read aloud whenever we want!


For Science...we are using CC's science program and will have some good science books to read at home. For Geography, that will be covered by CC.


But, I am used to opening up my curriculum and just starting. Very little prep time. With so many little ones that has been a necessity for me to keep my sanity. Now that my kids are getting older and I have more to teach and I have a few right-brainers who could benefit from more hands-on learning, I have ordered curriculum that requires a LOT of teacher prep. I got some boxes in the mail today from RR and Right Start and I am just overwhelmed. Between that and the PAL program, I have a lot to organize and schedule and put together {on top of organizing and planning my Foundations and Essentials classes that I will be tutoring} and I am freaking out because I don't know where to start!!!


Have mercy on this overwhelmed, former SL-user who needs to know how to get her year organized since I have never really had to do that before!! :)


I bought the Old Schoolhouse Planner and downloaded it and looked at the scheduling pages and my mind went blank! LOL Help.

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I got the schoolhouse planner too. It has a ton of pages, doesn't it? I started with a daily schedule, scheduling each hour for us, of which subjects we will do each hour. I made sure to schedule independent work for my older dd while I work with the younger in her intense subjects, that kind of thing. We don't stick to the times exactly, but it is a good starting point and motivator.


I used another form to block schedule our "extra subjects." We do the daily work each day. Then we have one extra subject each afternoon. We know which day we will be working on which subject. It helps me to have a plan for that so that things don't get left out.


I planned our montly goals with how many lessons of each subject I want completed, and a brief listing of other things to do that month (like state fair art competitions, science fair, memory work, etc.)


I also printed off the music practice sheet for the girls to check off after piano practice.


It gives me a good place to start. Good luck! If you just start one of the forms you will likely get energized to do some more. Next I need to do one for my co-op classes.

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