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Counting my blessings today... (cc)

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We just moved. We owned our home. We are now renting a townhouse.


It's a little hard to explain, but this has been the BIGGEST blessing to us! We never really wanted to buy a home, but caved to the social/familial pressure to do so. We bought just before the bubble burst. :glare: The house we bought ended up being a huge curse to us. So many problems, including mold from water damage (that was not discovered by the inspection we paid for before we bought it), which dh believes contributed to his health issues.


We absolutely LOVE where we live now. Clean, quiet, plenty big for our family.


Central air! Woo hoo! For the last six years, we did not have central air!


A working dishwasher! The one at the old house broke five months before we moved out, so we didn't think it was worth it to replace. I LOATHE washing dishes by hand, so a dishwasher is such a blessing to us!


God is so good. After our foolish decision to buy that house, we had to live there for six years. We are so thankful that He brought us to our new home.

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