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Success in writing....finally!!!!


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I hesitantly purchased IEW for my ds8. He absolutely hates writing and I was nervous about spending so much on curriculum for a subject he literally cries about (no, seriously, he really cries about it:glare:). Anyway, we have started SWI A and he loves it!!! He hasn't complained once and said he likes having the teacher in the TV. AND he was actually putting effort into the subject!! This is the first time I've had a curriculum make such a difference in my Childs attitude. Just thought I'd share in case any of you have reluctant (mine was extremely reluctant!) writer. It really was worth the money!

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:party: We had the same thing happen in our home with IEW! I had been struggling with writing and what to use for writing for 2.5 years. It wasn't just my dc struggling either. I was struggling with finding a writing method\philosophy that felt right for me. I tried several...many...writing programs\methods and although some came really, really close to my idea of perfect there was something about them that seemed missing, too difficult, or my dc didn't mesh well with them. I am sooo relieved that I found that program that is perfect for us and that it will carry my dc all the way through to graduation.


Whew....all that to say YAH for US!

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This is so good to hear! I have a son that will be beginning 3rd grade next month and he also HATES writing. Any subjects that require writing he always grumbles about and it takes him forever to complete. I've been wondering whether this was a good time to start him with IEW's SWI-A. I think I'm going to. I may write the rough drafts for him and let him write the final drafts. His fine motor skills developed late and his hands get tired quickly when writing. I'm just afraid he'll be overwhelmed with the writing.

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This is so good to hear! I have a son that will be beginning 3rd grade next month and he also HATES writing. Any subjects that require writing he always grumbles about and it takes him forever to complete. I've been wondering whether this was a good time to start him with IEW's SWI-A. I think I'm going to. I may write the rough drafts for him and let him write the final drafts. His fine motor skills developed late and his hands get tired quickly when writing. I'm just afraid he'll be overwhelmed with the writing.


Don't let his inability to write for prolonged periods of time interfere at all with his composition skills. In fact, if it has been a point of contention in the past when asking him to compose his own writing assignments then start this program off by telling him that he won't have to write at all for the first couple of weeks. So much of the first lessons can be done together on the white board. It's his brain power that is required in this not his hand power. ;) I've even typed my dd's rough drafts into word for her (she can write just fine but all that writing is tiresome for any 8yo) and then let her go in and edit them. She can correct spelling, look up synonyms, move sentences around and she gains the added benefit of choosing a font to fit the story. I know it isn't the way it is intended to be done but it works for her and prevents her from associating composition with an aching hand.

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