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Language Arts for 2nd grade?

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I keep wavering between a more relaxed approach to LA, and one with more 'work' for my 2nd grader. She's very artistic, and would spend hours every day working in clay (the kind fired in a kiln); she has "imagined" a whole world and makes clay representations of the creatures who inhabit that world....soooo I don't think a day filled with highly academic work is going to be good for her right now. I am considering putting aside any type of rigid grammar programs (I have considered the Sentence Family, and/or Grammar-Land, and wondered if that might be sufficient), but wanted to ask if anyone has a fun, creative writing curriculum (or if not curriculum, just suggestions) they'd recommend for a child like this?

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I think most second graders are too young to really get into a formal writing curriculum. All I really expect of my own 7 yr old daughter is to write legible sentences with a capital letter and a period and decent spelling (of at least sight words).


One thing she loves... I've given her small blank books from the dollar store or craft store. She loves to write books -- complete with illustrations. She favors non-fiction writing about how to spot a fairy or the characteristics of cute kittens or all the flowers in our garden, but I'm sure she'd happily do a story too. Plus, they're so cute and she feels so proud of them.

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I think most second graders are too young to really get into a formal writing curriculum. All I really expect of my own 7 yr old daughter is to write legible sentences with a capital letter and a period and decent spelling (of at least sight words).


One thing she loves... I've given her small blank books from the dollar store or craft store. She loves to write books -- complete with illustrations. She favors non-fiction writing about how to spot a fairy or the characteristics of cute kittens or all the flowers in our garden, but I'm sure she'd happily do a story too. Plus, they're so cute and she feels so proud of them.


Sounds like we're on the right track then. DD makes little books (some of them are really, really little - the pages are less than 1" square!), too - her most recent was a calendar for the kitten :lol: but she also writes stories and includes ample illustrations.



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