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Is any prep work needed for MCT or CW?


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I want to use either MCT or CW (both?) with my 7 year old in about 2 years. Does anyone have a recommendation on what to do in these next two years until he is ready?


Mind you I am perfectly happy doing nothing....just wondering if there is a prep that people have found particularly helpful. I'm not that enthusiastic about starting a grammar program early like GWG or FLL if the end result will be the same (i.e. I don't want to devote precious school time to learning things early if he'll end up learning them just well if I delay until 3rd or 4th grade.) But on the other hand I don't want him to struggle in 3rd or 4th grade learning concepts that I could have taught earlier...is this making any sense?:001_huh:


Also any advice on CW vs. MCT or if anyone does both would be very helpful!


BTW my son is still doing phonics and not reading independently so he is definitely not of the 'precocious, ready for intense grammar at age 6' variety :)


Thanks in advance for any advice!


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We just dived right into Grammar Island two weeks ago on my son's 7th birthday). He had little to no grammar knowledge prior.


We found the great old M. L. Nesbitt book "Grammar-land" (which can be found on Google Books for free) just shortly before we started MCT, and we are reading along in that too. it is quite charming and funny.


Grammar Island has been a huge hit. We are almost finished with the last section (on clauses) and I'm stunned how much my son has learned.


I would note, especially for a child this age (as this in not the recommended age to start), that it is probably better suited to kids who are "fast studies" and who only need a slight amount of repetition to get the point. MCT does a commendable job explaining the point, gives good examples and then moves on.


Now, there is continual review built into the Practice Island Book and looking ahead to Sentence Island I expect a depth of experience will be added as well. But I image this programs work best with kids who tend to "get it" quickly and who don't like points being belabored.


For us it has been perfect.



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We found the great old M. L. Nesbitt book "Grammar-land" (which can be found on Google Books for free) just shortly before we started MCT, and we are reading along in that too. it is quite charming and funny.


This looks fun!!! Thanks for the suggestion!


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This looks fun!!! Thanks for the suggestion!



If you do a search for Grammar-land worksheets you will find at least one source for worksheets that were made to work with Grammar-land. Jessica on this forum made some, I'm not sure if there are others.



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With my youngest, I plan do do similar exercises like you would find in FLL. Grammar-Land looks neat, and I'm really interested in these. I plan on ordering the first one sometime this year to check out.



The progression with my oldest was CW Aesop and about half of Homer before we began the Town level. I do not recommend doing CW Homer and Town together because it would just be overkill. Unless you traded weeks or something. I found Aesop to be a great pre-MCT Town program, though. I'm not sure if Aesop would be overkill with Island as I've not seen Island, and my youngest is still a few years away. I do know that I plan on using Island with her, but I do want her well versed with the Fable and Narrative parts of the Progymnasmata before we begin Town.

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From what I've heard of MCT, it doesn't cover some of the mechanics that a traditional grammar program will cover. I am using a traditional 3rd grade grammar text before using MCT with my oldest, and I'll likely do the same with the next kid (if he uses MCT). Next kid will probably use FLL3. I chose R&S3 for oldest, but could have gone either way. They're both good. I have no plans for MCT to be my only grammar/writing. I also will continue with WWE while using MCT, since they work on different things. I'll use WWS in 5th grade.


Now if you know grammar well and are able to teach it yourself through copywork and other daily things, you wouldn't need a traditional grammar text at all. I think MCT does assume some prior exposure to grammar that would fill in holes where MCT doesn't teach. But again, I haven't used the program yet. That's just what I learned via extensive research in past MCT threads. ;)

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The progression with my oldest was CW Aesop and about half of Homer before we began the Town level. I do not recommend doing CW Homer and Town together because it would just be overkill. Unless you traded weeks or something. I found Aesop to be a great pre-MCT Town program, though. I'm not sure if Aesop would be overkill with Island as I've not seen Island, and my youngest is still a few years away. I do know that I plan on using Island with her, but I do want her well versed with the Fable and Narrative parts of the Progymnasmata before we begin Town.


That's an interesting option of staggering them...hadn't thought of that. So you obviously have found aspects of both that you like? Are they similar in approach/content?



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They are not similar in approach. CW teaches the Progymnasmata. You will find some similarities only because they are writing programs and a few of the exercises may be similar, and they both want to turn out great writers. They just have completely different styles.


Here's the thread where I'm describing why I let go of CW. It was a lot fresher then than it is now. :tongue_smilie: It is from nearly two years ago. I started MCT May/June 2009 and ditched CW Oct./Nov., so I did do them both for a couple months.


Also, from what I understand, it's Homer that some complain about. Once you get past it, it's smoother sailing.

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Here's the thread where I'm describing why I let go of CW. It was a lot fresher then than it is now. :tongue_smilie:


Thanks for the link! After reading through the thread I'm leaning strongly towards MCT right now, but I still have 2 years to change my mind :tongue_smilie:


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