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How do I fit in all of dd independent reading?


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I'm trying to figure out how to fit all our IR into the day. Dd9 is reading through Sonlight 2 Adv readers (not sure what they are called now) plus all the additional ones I added to the list (doubled the list). For history, we are reading a variety of books. I'm reading most of them aloud to everyone, but there are several subjects that she will be reading on her own. She reads one chapter of a NIVr bible everyday. She also has a few chemistry books for this year too. Her primary reading time is "rest time". It's a 2 hour window in the afternoon that I let the kids watch videos, play quietly and just veg out in their rooms. She usually reads the first hour and vegs the 2nd hour. She needs the break. At night I let her read for pleasure before lights out. This will be her first year reading history/science books on her own (usually stuff below her reading level). Should I cut back on the novels during the time she is reading those? How do you guys handle this?



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At this age, I pretty much let my son read at his leisure. That said, he LOVES to read. Reads in the car, as long as I will let him at night, waiting at the Dr's, etc etc etc. I mostly give him books I'd like him to read, and he picks and chooses. I don't want to "assign" too much just yet, I'm so thrilled he loves reading so much. I just try to make sure I'm giving him as many quality books as possible. I want to keep reading FUN still, without putting assignments on it just yet.

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I go back and forth on this. She struggled for so long and then we had the light bulb moment and just took off. She loves to read too. I bought Sonlight b/c I just don't have the time to pre-read all of her books. I was looking for prescreened books with review questions. Now, all of the extra books I have, I'm going to pre-read those for discussion with her. I also reworked our book list so that it is in increasing difficulty. Should I just read all of them for discussion with her? How do you do this?

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Honestly, we do read alouds snuggled in my bed at night, and talk about them a little bit. DS reads more in his bed at night. I don't discuss them a whole lot with him, tbh. I'm still mostly letting him enjoy them. Soon enough we'll start doing more, but, for now, I plan to keep it like this. He loves to read so much now that he sneaks them lol! He will likely get through the entire Harry Potter series this summer.


Since you have SL and all the questions and stuff, you could do some casual discussions about those books. :) Just you know, in the car or something, "tell me about....."

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