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Thinking of using both TT Math 7 and Horizons 5

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That's what I did for 6th grade w/ my ds and it worked great. We used TT Math 7 as his main program and I pulled lessons each week from Horizon's 5. Obviously we didn't do every single problem --unless it was an area he needed more review with. This summer we are doing Horizon's 6 - 3 lessons/week and then in Sept we'll change to TT as our main program and use Horizon's 6 as supplement. DS really likes it and likes the change of scenery.

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I'll be using both with my dd this year. Not so much because she needs the explanations from TT, but because she needs *more* work on math, and TT will give her an alternative to more workbooks. Yes, she'll be doing more math, but because the format is so different, it won't *feel* like just "more of the same".


And no, I don't think it will be "too much" math. Actually, the thing that has really come home to me recently is that with my son, for whom mathematical thinking came easily, we did a lot *more* math than what I've done with my daughter, who finds math more challenging. Since things came fairly easily to my son, it was more fun for us to bring in lots of supplements and really *play* with math on a regular basis. With my daughter, we've been all too glad to put the books away and keep math time minimal. ... And, of course, the gap between them has only grown.


So I'm determined to turn that around this year. We'll be doing daily drill (quick little math vitamins), Horizons (workbook), Teaching Textbooks (computer -- very novel for her at least), and doing some type of interactive math time together each day, either snuggling on the couch and reading through Life of Fred or playing RS math games or Muggins...


My goal is to make math as much a part of our days as language has always been.


We'll see how it goes. ;)

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