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Help! Confused over what Teaching Textbooks level to use!


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My daughter just finished up Abeka Grade 5 Math. She dislikes math, but does well in it. She hated Abeka math! So I decided to switch to Teaching Textbooks next year for 6th. She took their placement test and got all the answers right. I called them directly, and they reccommended she go directly into Math grade 7 from using Abeka 5. I guess my problem is that I don't want to push her into getting in over her head- but at the same time I don't want to spend a whole year in review. Can anyone give me any guidance on this? I would really appreciate it!

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I would do as they said and go with 7. It'll start off with review then start going deeper, so I think your dd will be fine! They do some things on a different time schedule, so if they recommend it, it should work.


My dd 10/11 this school year and did the TT Pre-Algebra. The first part was fairly easy, but it got progressively more challenging. She'll be finishing up soon. She doesn't want to do Algebra 1 yet, so we're going to do R&S math next year.

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Mine tested into TT Algebra with being at lesson 60-ish in Saxon 6/5.


I'm putting her in pre-algebra in BJU i think (we are going to be doing some HomeSat classes - so i might as well try it). If it doesn't work for her i'll move her to Video Text.


Give her all the placement tests and see how it does!

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For some reason, TT from 7 down seems to be labeled a year ahead. What compares with other companies' 6th grade is called TT 7... TT 6 is your usualy 5th grade, etc.


I think this is part of the reason why some look down on TT and think it's not rigourous enough. They really ought to rename those courses, IMHO.

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My 6th grader is finishing up TT 7 this year and it is right on par with what the local PS 6th grade seems to be doing in math. My 3d grader who got 1/2 way through Horizons 3 will start TT5 next year. It is a good program, but I agree that these particular titles are not accurate and could lead to great frustration and disappointment by users who are unaware of this "problem."


FWIW: My dd has loved using TT7. For the first time, she's enjoying her math. And, for the first time, she's retaining it!



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My 4th grader (finished Saxon 6/5) also took the TT Math 7 placement test and only missed one problem. I did not give him the Pre-Algebra test b/c I really don't want for him to take Pre-Algebra in 5th grade -- its just too soon, IMO. I am thinking that I will probably just stick with Saxon for one more year and then have him use TT Pre-Algebra in 6th grade (because we already own it).

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