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Best book on learning styles?


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I'm looking into learning styles. I can already tell my dd is vastly different in the way she approaches things than ds.


These are the criteria I need in the book:


- quiz to assess child's learning style

- clear results

- practical advice and tips

- how best to teach/reach each child

- what style of curricula to choose

- preferably well written

- no need to be Christian but can be, as long as it doesn't distract


What is the best book out there?

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I don't know any one book that covers all that, but I'll recommend a couple that could be useful.


Firstly, Cathy Duffy's 100 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum rates her top picks for how well they mesh with the four learning styles she describes in the fourth chapter of the book: Wiggly Willy, Perfect Paula, Competent Carl, and Sociable Sue. Sadly, she doesn't include ratings on this at her reviews over at cathyduffyreviews.com. This book has been in print for a while, so your local library may have it. (Mine does.) I ended up buying it for my Kindle anyhow, since I realized I'd been checking it out yearly to make curriculum decisions.


Secondly, a book that has been in print for much longer and should be widely available is Cynthia Tobias' The Way They Learn. This is a good primer for several different approaches to learning styles. If, while you're reading this, you think "Wow! That's so my daughter!", then you'll have a good area to research further. Check this one out instead of buying it, if you can: this is a good initial research tool, broad and easy to read but not very deep.


Both Duffy and Tobias are Christian. Neither is what I (a fellow Christian who is less charitable than she should be towards bad writing) would call "distractingly" so. For instance, Tobias gives an example of how different thinkers went about an outreach program for a church, while Duffy rates materials for Protestant, Catholic, and Nonsectarian audiences.


I hope this helps.

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