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Art talent


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Ideally, what would you do to help encourage a child who has some natural ability with art and creativity? What would you do with a limited budget?


A little more information here:


My little guy is 7.5 and will often make things out of household objects. For instance he will grab an empty toilet paper roll because he sees an object that he can create out of it. He grabs things like bottle caps and anything else he finds that he can see what it can become. He draws and draws and draws. So far he hasn't enjoyed a drawing instruction program because he doesn't like being told how to draw something.:tongue_smilie: He spends a lot of time creating with Legos and enjoys Lego Digital Designer and Scratch. He also enjoys building places on Blockland and Roblox.


So far I have provided him access to some (although somewhat limited) art supplies and given him time during the school day to create.


I'd appreciate any ideas you might have.

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He might enjoy the Mark Kistler videos. Even my dd, who is good at drawing but does not like to be taught about drawing, enjoys him. You can get a lot of them free on YouTube and on his website. Then he has an online video academy, and homeschool coop usually has the best price on those. Or homeschool buyer's coop? (something like that) If your PBS shows Imagination Station, that would be free and that's Mark Kistler. He's very fun.

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My oldest son is a very gifted artist. When he was a child I used to cry myself to sleep because I felt so gulity that I couldn't do ANYTHING to nurture his talent. We were living is deep poverty and I couldn't draw a stick figure (pre homeschooling). When he was in the 6th grade the principal at his charter school flagged me down in the hallway to talk about his amazing talent and how it was going unnoticed and I burst into tears. She said, "No! No! I didn't mean that he needed classes, but an opportunity to DISPLAY his art!"


My cocky little prodigy told her that displaying his art was too time consuming and that none of the teachers at the school were talented enough to help him at this point, so no thank you to any free private lessons :-0 I stopped crying myself to sleep and let it lie in the hands of fate/God.


The last time he talked about art to me, he had quickly drawn some Disney cartoons on balloons when the displays for a video game event did not come in. One of his employees asked him to draw the little mermaid for her. She took it home and her boyfriend arrived at the store and sucker punched my son :-0 We had a good laugh about his art talent CURSE as he calls it.


Good luck! :-)

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