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Anyone use the SnapWords sight word cards?

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I have a son who seems to have no memory for sight words. Having a lot of trouble with reading. Has anyone used the SnapWords cards for right brain learners. I saw them on CurrClick Newsletter. There is a drawing with the word that is suppose to impress the right brain learner? They are fairly expensive and was curious what others thought. Thanks!:001_smile:

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Thanks so much. that is a great idea. I checked out Dianne Craft's site. She has a book on brain integration--anyone use it and what do you think. I'm not much into nutritional changes etc. I know we can't do it. I have a smart 8 year old that just doesn't seem to be able to focus long on the page and has trouble remembering words he has read several times. Teach your child in 100 easy lessons has been the best thing for him. That is why I think meaning and context seem to help him remember things more. wondering what would be the next step for him to help him succeed.

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