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MCT Word Within a Word scheduling

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I see that there are 30 lessons. I read references of a review week/lesson after every 5 lessons, so 36 weeks/lessons altogether. I have an entire "Basic" Level 4 set in hand, with both the student and home school parent book for WWW.


However, for the life of me, I can't figure out how these review tests/lessons come in. Where is it? I don't see them! What am I missing? Give me a page number and a book telling me what to do those weeks, please!



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We are using this level 4 set also. In fact, we only made it through lesson 18 this past year and will continue with the rest of the book this coming year (8th gr. for my ds). I didn't see any need to rush through it. He makes flashcards for the words he doesn't know in the list we are working on. He reviews these each day and then does some work with the list on Quizlet ( a great site for online flashcards and the lists are already posted). We do a few of the exercises in the book, like the spelling and mystery words. We love reading the Notes page because they are so interesting...we love words! Then we take the test in the book. The tests are cumulative, so he has to continually review past lists to do well on the tests. I have not found any extra review tests, or anything like that in my book??!! The author mentions that sometimes he gives them a reverse test where you give them the opposite of what the regular tests are...like give the english and they have to come up with the stem. We have done this sporadically orally.


I don't think you are missing anything. if you are, then we are too and have been all year:confused:

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Thanks so much for reassuring me that I am not crazy! I guess that is a relief that I am not having somekind of mental lapse looking over the materials, lol.


Yes, I remember the mention of reverse tests. I just thought there was more direction somewhere, lol.


I love Quizlet. We already use it for Spanish, and I was definitely planning on it for WWW. Exporting the word lists will also make it easier to generate reverse tests! :)



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