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R&S or FLL/WWE or PAL?


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I have no idea what I am doing! I really don't have a full grasp of any of the curriculum out there. I sent back the Sonlight reading/LA because I didn't like it.


We are currently doing ETC 1 and that is going well. But I'm not sure what to add or what the differences are?


How does first language lessons and writing with ease compare to rod & staff books? I also keep looking at the IEW PAL reading and writing.

Do all of these programs cover the same material?

I'm so confused!


Thank you for your help.

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I am using ETC 1 and OPGTR for my 5 year old (no grammer or writing outside of the ETC books for him yet). I really like both.


For my 7 year old we are using ETC (beyond) and FLL, WWE, and AAS. The FLL is just grammer, WWE is composition, narration and dictation and the AAS is just spelling. So far I really like all of them. They are all quick focused lessons and my "runs on a high speed motor" ds can focus for a short time and then move on.


We have not used R&S

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Are you doing K or first?


You can do FLL1 in K if you want or wait until first. It's very gentle. R&S does not have grammar for K or grade 1. Their grammar starts in grade 2. I tried R&S 2, and the grammar itself didn't move fast enough for my accelerated first grader, but he wasn't ready to do the writing involved at the time, so we switched to FLL. FLL2 is my preference for grade 2 level materials (FLL vs. R&S). We are using R&S 3 now for 2nd grade, and that's going well, since DS is ready for more writing (I'm sure FLL3 would have been great also). We still use WWE as our writing program though. It's perfect for my son. R&S doesn't have much "writing" (as in composition instruction) until grade 4.


I don't know anything about PAL.


My middle son is doing ETC1 right now, and I have no plans to add grammar or writing (WWE) until he's 6.


If you're doing K, I would just do ETC and not worry about grammar and writing. If you're doing first grade, FLL/WWE would be a great choice.

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Are you doing K or first?



If you're doing K, I would just do ETC and not worry about grammar and writing. If you're doing first grade, FLL/WWE would be a great choice.



Thank you for your responses. I don't really know if I am doing K or 1st with my oldest. Probably a mix. He is an older K if I went with our district guidelines.


I'll continue with ETC, and then maybe I could try FLL, but hold off on WWE? He still could use more handwriting practice. He is not fluid in all his letters yet.

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