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How much do you spend on Curriculum per child, per year? Roughly?


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very tight budget here, I think I have spent around $150 for 3 kids. I live in a huge homeschooling community though so just about every yardsale I hit has HS'ing stuff cheap and our local used bookstore is great. and one of the local thrift stores just gives away books (I make a donation) but I have gotten a lot of great curriculum for dirt cheap. I have bought a few things offline but for the most part I save by shopping locally.

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While DH recognizes the importance of a great education, he also sets a firm budget for homeschooling! The budget this year is $3,000 for both kids. As of today, I've spent about $1,200 of it which includes: several (4-5) science and art museum memberships, an upgraded laptop for the kids, TT pre-algebra, Latin for Children w/DVD, a weekly Spanish class for my 10-year-old, and other books and materials I ordered from Rainbow Resource, Amazon, and half.com.


That does not include the fitness center/pool membership, extracurricular lessons, or field trip and travel expenses. Those will eat up the rest of the budget allotment from DH. I kick in the rest from my part-time job.

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