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Is it worthwhile to purchase the 3rd edition of All through the Ages

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I already owned the older edition when I bought the 3rd edition in pdf format ($19.95). It has been worh it for me because I wanted to print it out in booklet form and put it into a half size binder. I added the books from Christne Miller's website...1000 good books...to my binder as well. I use colored pencils, a different color for each child and family reading, to mark a dot by the books read. (I recycled a zippered planner binder and can keep my pencils, library cards, and booklists together.)


The books are in chronological order with so many choices. This booklist includes nonfictions like the Landmark history books, character books from Lamplighter Publishers, and great historical fiction books from Sonlight, Beautiful Feet, Veritas, etc. The new edition includes some favorites like David McCullough's biographies. This works out for my family because we have a great interlibrary loan system.

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I will add that, according to the front matter, a purchase of All Through the Ages from Nothing New Press will entitle you to any future updates of the book for free. (Of course, if the updates don't really add anything, that isn't terribly exciting news, so we're back where you started. Sorry.)

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