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Family Meetings

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We conducted our first family meeting tonight and I thought it was a great success. However, I thought I'd open the subject up for discussion with the hive. I'd love to hear from other people who do family meetings...what works, what doesn't, tips and tricks, how you run them and for those who have done them for a while, what are the benefits you've seen. TIA for any information you can provide!

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We do family meetings, but they are fairly informal and usually topic specific.


If we have decisions to make as a family, or there are things we need to announce. ;)


We just gather em' up on the couch, we say a little something and offer up the floor for comment. It's a great way to train the kids to respect one another while speaking.


I'm not sure if this is the same thing you are suggesting. These "meetings" are different than family devotionals which we do more regularly.



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