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Advanced Language Lessons or R&S


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I'm hoping someone can help me. I'm trying to figure out what grammar to use next year with my 5th and 6th graders. They are halfway through with R&S 4 and 5. I am contemplating using ALL 5 with both of them, but I'm not sure if it will be too much of a review for my 6th grader. I'm also not sure if I want to change programs without knowing the timeframe for the other books to be published. I really like the idea of them working independently for grammar which it sounds like the next book will have them doing. But if it's not out when we're finished with ALL 5, do we go back to R&S? And if so, what level? I'm already planning to use WWS for both of them. I've seen the samples and it looks excellent. It's one of the reasons I'm looking at switching our grammar. We are happy with R&S. It works and it's easy to implement, but I wouldn't mind something a little more up to date. I've seen samples for ALL 5, but I didn't see a table of contents so it's hard to compare to R&S.


Thanks for listening. If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions I'm all ears.



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That's so funny, I just made this decision today.


I've been so excited about ALL because we've used FLL all four years, but we dabbled in R&S last year and I was very impressed. I decided to go with R&S for the reasons you mentioned about the future levels of ALL, a couple scheduling snaffus, and because it's very highly recommended, including by SWB. And, in grammar, I certainly wouldn't use latest and greatest as one of my reasons for changing. English is still English.


While I always say, "If it's not broken, don't fix it," I think R&S is going to be a better bet for us this year.

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Thank you for your responses. That's pretty much what I was thinking. I know I have a problem when it comes to curriculum. I'm constantly looking at alternatives and worried that there's something better out there. I will continue with what we're doing, but I can't promise I won't look at ALL when it comes out.

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