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coming off a PPI anything to look for?

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I have been on Prilosec now for about 4 weeks. It has helped a lot. Since I take oral iron due to a mild iron deficiency I want to get off ASAP. I am scheduled to see GI Dr in about 3 weeks.


I am sure she will tell me I can come off. But what side effects should I look out for? Does everyone get their stomach issues back again?


I had some type of gastritis. Probably due to my anxity mixed with all the iron I had taken over the past year.

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That's not too long of a dose so you may not have issues. Sometimes a person can have an increase in stomach acid production because the body over-compensates as the drug is withdrawn. In those cases you'd want to step down in dosage gradually and perhaps step down and switch to an acid reducer. I really don't think four weeks is enough time to need to worry about that.


Our use was for reflux not gastritis so I'm not sure whether you should expect healing after four weeks. I imagine the GI will know more about that. I hope it's successful!

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