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If you were to write a biography for your dc's

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graduate what would it include?


Ds is graduating Sunday!! The school he is graduating from is a very small one and only has 3 kids graduating that night. They called me today asking me for a biography on ds.

Date of birth, where he was born, school activities, sports, future plans and anything else I would like to include. Of course, my mind is totally blank!


So far this is what I have


Ds's name was born in Augusta, Ga on December 16, 1989.

He has been home schooled since the 4th grade, he always loved math and science.(?)

He participated in 4-H, baseball with the Recreation Dept., and played football for BBCA(the school he is graduating from).

Ds has come to love cooking and plans to attend Tech in the fall, to pursue a degree in Culinary Art and a Business degree in hopes to own his own restaurant.



Of course they aren't wanting a full page, but this doesn't seem like much!

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graduate what would it include?


Ds is graduating Sunday!! The school he is graduating from is a very small one and only has 3 kids graduating that night. They called me today asking me for a biography on ds.

Date of birth, where he was born, school activities, sports, future plans and anything else I would like to include. Of course, my mind is totally blank!


So far this is what I have


Ds's name was born in Augusta, Ga on December 16, 1989.

He has been home schooled since the 4th grade, he always loved math and science.(?)

He participated in 4-H, baseball with the Recreation Dept., and played football for BBCA(the school he is graduating from).

Ds has come to love cookingand plans to attend Tech in the fall, to pursue a degree in Culinary Art and a Business degree in hopes to own his own restaurant.


Of course they aren't wanting a full page, but this doesn't seem like much!


He HAS always loved math and science.

I would have done my different - because I am weird that way.

I would have mentioned where my dd learned to swim (Wakulla Springs State Park) and how we grew up on the ocean and that we have taken many road trips across the country.


I might recall (if I were you) a story about his cooking. When he baked his first cake or made me dinner......

Are they going to do a screen for pictures while they talk about the kids?

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He HAS always loved math and science.

I would have done my different - because I am weird that way.

I would have mentioned where my dd learned to swim (Wakulla Springs State Park) and how we grew up on the ocean and that we have taken many road trips across the country.


I might recall (if I were you) a story about his cooking. When he baked his first cake or made me dinner......

Are they going to do a screen for pictures while they talk about the kids?


dc's biography.


When he got a job last year at a local restaurant, that is when he wanted to be chef.


Before that he wanted to be a vet. I told him,"Well, instead of helping the animals, you are going to eat them!":tongue_smilie:

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The first was a quick blurb for our church newsletter announcing our daughter's graduation. The others are bios for various theatrical productions they've been in, which are probably less applicable but I thought might spark some ideas. My favorite bios are the ones that give a real sense of the student's/performer's personality, rather than being a recitation of facts.


Child #1 is graduating from the Our Homeschool Academy home school this summer. She has been accepted to Mary Baldwin College in Virginia through their early entrance program. The residential program is designed especially for young women who are ready for college before the traditional age. Child #1 is a Davidson Institute for Talent Development Young Scholar, a member of the National Society for High School Scholars and has been named a Bailey Scholar by Mary Baldwin College. She plans to study theatre and music (and anything else she can fit into her schedule).


Child #1 is an 11-year-old homeschooler who loves all kinds of theater. In fact, she attended her first Shakespearean production sitting in a stroller, and she’s been hooked ever since. This is Child #1’s third production with Community Theatre Group, having appeared as Susie in Dear Edwina, Junior, and in School House Rock Live, Junior. When she’s not at rehearsal or doing schoolwork, Child #1 can be found singing with the Girls Choir, reading, listening to Indian sitar music or making her guinea pigs watch music videos on the computer.


“Another opening, another show . . . “This is Child #1’s fourth production with Community Theatre Group, and she’s thrilled and grateful that they keep letting her come back. Most recently, she appeared as Shprintze in Fiddler on the Roof. She has also been seen as Susie in Dear Edwina, Junior, and in School House Rock Live, Junior. Child #1 is an 11-year-old homeschooler who shares her life with two parents, one brother, two guinea pigs, two betta fish, one kitten, one inflatable, purple octopus named Moby Dick and a drawer full of silly socks.


Child #2 is a nine-year-old homeschooler, dancer, actor and aspiring robotics engineer. His stage experiences include two productions of The Nutcracker and this season’s Midsummer Night’s Dream with the Local Ballet Company. He has also appeared in School House Rock Live, Junior with the Community Theatre Group and portrayed assorted kings and shepherds in four years of holiday pageants at his church. He has two cats, Piggers and Raven. When he is not at dance or drama class or music lessons, he is usually to be found digging holes and building forts in the backyard or tinkering with various contraptions.


Child #2 is a 10-year-old homeschooler, dancer, singer, actor and aspiring robotics engineer. Recent stage experiences include his third appearance in the Local Ballet Company’s The Nutcracker, singing with the children’s chorus in the Local Opera Company’s Turandot and appearing as young Gary in a new production based on Stephen King’s The Man in the Black Suit (Atlantic Center for the Arts, New Smyrna, and New York). He has also performed in A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Local Ballet Company), The Sound of Music (Dinner Theatre) and School House Rock Live, Junior (Community Theatre Group). He sings regularly with the Boychoir. In between rehearsals and dance and music lessons, he enjoys building and launching model rockets and reading.

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