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TOG Y4 - Classic vs. Redesign


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I'm know that this has been asked before but I thought that I would ask your advice with my specific situation in mind. :)


I have some questions and then some background information for you.


1. Would it be doable (i.e. wise, easy, fluid, etc.) to use Classic if I've already done 3 years of redesign (Y1, Y2, Y3)? If it helps you answer, I only have grammar level children so I'm not worried about discussions at this point.


2. Is hard to find/substitute the recommended books? I know that many are OOP, but I have access to a fairly comprehensive library system. I'm also willing to buy some titles.


3. Is there a Classic booklist out there that I can access prior to making my decision? I looked on the TOG forum and wasn't able to find one. Also, it seems taboo to ask, which I can understand since TOG is currently marketing and selling redesign. However, if anyone knows where I can find a list or is willing to email me one, I'd greatly appreciate it.


4. I would love to buy Y4 redesigned, but I'm having a hard time spending that much money right now. I know that I can find fairly inexpensive sets of classic (around $50ish). I would probably plan on buying redesigned when we hit Y4 in the next cycle (4 years from now).


5. My main motivation for considering Classic is the cost.


6. If I bought the Classic version, what needs to come with it?


7. Finally, a long shot I know, but if you have a redesigned set that you want to sell, I'd be interested. (I have posted this in the WTB forum)


Thanks in advance for any advice.





P.S. This is cross-posted on the TOG y4 yahoo! group.

Edited by classicHSmom
wasn't finished and got distracted by LO's.
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1. Would it be doable (i.e. wise, easy, fluid, etc.) to use Classic if I've already done 3 years of redesign (Y1, Y2, Y3)? If it helps you answer, I only have grammar level children so I'm not worried about discussions at this point.


(bolded for ease in seeing my words.. not trying to shout. :-)

You can probably do classic just fine, it is just a little more chaotic?/ cluttery to see the info at a glance. I started with classic, then ended up buying redesigned for the next year because I like it better, but if I didn't have the cash, I would go for the classic. On the other hand, I would hate to rebuy it later when I wanted the discussions laid out for me more, assuming that the content is that different.. ( I have LG & UG kids myself) The student pages aren't as nice & pretty, they are basic, and not very kid friendly.


2. Is hard to find/substitute the recommended books? I know that many are OOP, but I have access to a fairly comprehensive library system. I'm also willing to buy some titles.


Well, I actually found more of the classic books in my library, so it's hard to say. Maybe my library just isn't buying many new things... I was able to easily substitute since classic has more info on the books, there is usually a Dewy Decimal number so you can find a similar title if you need to. I also found it easier to buy the books used, since they had been in print a while ago.



3. Is there a Classic booklist out there that I can access prior to making my decision? I looked on the TOG forum and wasn't able to find one. Also, it seems taboo to ask, which I can understand since TOG is currently marketing and selling redesign. However, if anyone knows where I can find a list or is willing to email me one, I'd greatly appreciate it.


You might ask on the TOG board if anyone local to you has a classic year 4 you can look at for an hour or two... As far as I know, TOG is very protective of their book lists, both classic & redesigned. :glare: This can be semi irritating, even to a loyal customer.


4. I would love to buy Y4 redesigned, but I'm having a hard time spending that much money right now. I know that I can find fairly inexpensive sets of classic (around $50ish). I would probably plan on buying redesigned when we hit Y4 in the next cycle (4 years from now).

If you have other kids who will be doing year 4 at the grammar level after you buy redesigned, you will have to substitute or rebuy books.



5. My main motivation for considering Classic is the cost.


Yup, been there... :-D I did year 1 with just the base (booklists only) and units 3&4 of the classic year plan... I really missed the detail for the first 2 units. You probably want those. :D


6. If I bought the Classic version, what needs to come with it?


The loom CD & all 4 units, and a base unit/core thing (The section with the booklists) Sometimes the base is in with unit one.. its not as big as the regular units.

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