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7th and 8th Grade Writing? Jenson's??

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Hi There,


We're doing a Writing Class in co-op and the person who is putting the writing together, has suggested Jenson's. I noticed just recently that it's for High School, and am wondering if I can get feedback from those who have used it or are using it.


If not Jenson's or IEW, what would you suggest? Thanks!!

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I'm planning on using Jensen's Format Writing in either 9th or 10th with my daughter. Until then I'm using Lingua Mater: Language Lessons from Literature (also available from adoremusbooks.com).


It was originally by Emma Serl in the early part of the last century (you may be able to find that version free online?) and redone as a Catholic program and looks excellent - very no-nonsense and old fashioned. Mine hasn't arrvied yet due to a postal strike here in Canada. :glare:


It looks like it will reinforce what my daughter has done in Grammar Voyage and lay a nice foundation for both Jensen's Grammar and Jensen's Format Writing.

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I recently spoke to a friend of mine about Jensen's. I was considering using it for my rising 8th grader. Here is what she said:


It is even possible to spread it out throughout his 7th and 8th grade years -- that way he will be ready for all those high school essays he will be writing. It starts off slowly by just writing one paragraph and builds up to writing 5 paragraph essays. Take your time with it and let him get as much practice in writing those paragraphs as he can. This book is very thorough and make sure you read the stuff in the beginning about how he recommends teaching it (he gives time parameters and number of times he thinks the paragraphs should be practiced). And, use the grading sheets that are in the back (to copy) to grade the papers --- VERY, very helpful. I highly recommend this book because it covers all the things that are required on the essay writings on the ACT tests. I have not found any other book that does it better and I have looked at everything!! (copied and pasted from my email)


I am seriously considering it for my son, who is 14 and terrible at writing. He hates it, and doesn't do it well. But I think this could be very good for him.

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