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All About Spelling Sentence Dictation Question

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My daughter is on Level 3, and there are a lot of sentences to dictate. Do you do all the sentences or just pick some of them? How do you schedule them within the lessons? - Do all on the same day or spread them out? If you spread them out, please explain how you do this. Thank you for any help and advice!



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We're doing level 3 right now.

We generally do a lesson over 3-5 days. One day for review, teaching, and some dictation. Second day, written words, some dictation. Third day, any review as needed and more dictation. If we need more time with words we continue until I feel that he's mastered the words.


We'll do spelling for 15 minutes... I try to get 4-5 sentences in each day.

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We do all of them, my kids need the practice. But you can definitely spread them out. My kids usually do 4-6 sentences per day. A typical scenario is that day 1 we'll do a bunch of review cards, word banks and the review section of the step. Sometimes we also get to part or all of the new teaching. Day 2 we'll do a few review cards, the new teaching, the list of 10 words, and maybe a 2-4 sentences. Day 3 a few review cards, and 6 or so sentences. Day 4 a few cards, finish the sentences and do the Writing Station. Sometimes we go into day 5 for the Writing Station--it just depends on how quickly the step has gone for us. We work for about 15-20 minutes (I set the timer), and just go until the timer goes off--my younger does 15 minutes, my older does 20.


You could also choose to do the dictation sentences into the next step, a few each day, and spread out the review and new teaching of the next step that way.


I think unless the words are review (your child knew them previously) or spelling comes very easily for your child, that the dictation is a very important part of the program. That's the bridge between the lists (where it's easy to guess the spelling) and real-world application (writing). It also serves as an ongoing review of previously learned words and concepts, to make sure things are solidified, expands working memory, teaches kids to pay attention to the words (and not just memorize a pattern for a list), etc...


HTH some! Merry :-)

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My ds7 is working through Level 3. We do a step per week on average. The focus for the first day is the new stuff in the lesson, and perhaps the ten words. The second and third days are for review, plus 6 of the dictation sentences. The last day is writing station.


We are at Step 17, and I have just started not requiring all the sentences. I look ahead and see what ones are really too easy and I will skip those. We are still doing 10 out of 12, though. I will go back to all 12 if I feel it is necessary.


It does seem a bit tedious to do all 12 sentences, but I agree with Merry that it is important to do them! It really has helped my son to spell correctly in his regular writing.


We love AAS! (But I think I may have mentioned that before:)!)

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