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"we are probably living 'in the most peaceful time of our species existence.'"

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That is the quote from Harvard's polymath professor Steven Pinker. He was quoted by Fareed Zakaria in the latest Newsweek article "The Rise of the Rest".


"We are told that we live in dark, dangerous times. Terrorism, rogue states, nuclear proliferation, financial panics, recession, outsourcing, and illegal immigrants all loom large in the national discourse...But just how violent is today's world?"


Next quote:


"Why does it not feel that way? Why do we think we live in scary times? Part of the problem is that as violence has been ebbing, information has been exploding. The last 20 years have produced an information revolution that brings us news and, most crucially, images from around the world all the time. ...Every weather disturbance is the 'storm of the decade.' Every bomb that explodes is BREAKING NEWS."


"Because the information revolution is so new, we- reporters, writers, readers, viewers- are all just now figuring out how to put everything in context."




I'm done with the article yet. I just thought I'd share these thoughts because they were being discussed earlier.


Any thoughts?


Edit: Here is the link to the article: http://www.newsweek.com/id/135380

Edit #2: The article is much more wide reaching than what I brought up above. I'm sure it would cause some interesting discussions, but I was pointing out the passages that refer to the posts from earlier today.

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I thought he was a linguist, not polymath (whatever that is).


Things are pretty peaceful, if you don't live in Africa or the middle east.


There is the potential for a lot more violence than ever, though. Albert Einstein said (paraphrased),"'I don't know what the next war will be fought with, but the one after that will be fought with sticks and stones."

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There is the potential for a lot more violence than ever, though. Albert Einstein said (paraphrased),"'I don't know what the next war will be fought with, but the one after that will be fought with sticks and stones."


Exactly! There has always been war. But in the past they were fought with spears and swords, not smart bombs and nuclear weapons. It's worth being concerned about.


But I also agree with his point that the incredible availability of information certainly changes our perceptions. And I really hate the way the media exploits people's fear by always focusing on the negative. It would be nice to hear more reports about the positive and wonderful things that are going on in the world!

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