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Growing With Grammar 6 is now available! YEAH!!!

Tina in WA

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Just wanted to add, I have used 1/2, 3, and 4 and am very pleased with this curriclum. It is is packed full of review for mastery, is easy to impliment, and is put together in a way that an older child can do this curriclum on their own with little help from mom/or dad (I would still encourage parents to correct the pages so you know where you child is at).

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Yeah! We'll be starting GWG 4 in the fall, but it is so nice to know that they are moving ahead apace with new levels! There is nothing more disenheartening than having a curriculum you love, but the publishers just give up on (*cough* R.E.A.L. Science *cough*).


It makes my planning process so much more secure. We've really enjoyed GWG3--so easy to use, and ds is learning really a lot.

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There is nothing more disenheartening than having a curriculum you love, but the publishers just give up on...


It makes my planning process so much more secure.



I agree! I only wish Tamy's son was in the same grade as my oldest that is still at home (7) so she would be able to use it. :) I am very pleased that this will go up to 8th grade.


Thank you, Tamy!


And you know what, I have been finding that a lot of times, the material in the book is the same subject/topic as the other kids books(or ones that we've previously went over). I think that is good for them to "hear" it again while I am instructing another child. And sometimes they burst out the answer when the child I am working with is slow to answer. Not that I like them to do this... but it lets me know the curr. works! :)

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