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French vs. Spanish vs. Italian vs.? and what curriculum?

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Hi All,

I would like to start my children learning a language young. Spanish is a very popular choice around here where I live. I learned only German (Lutheran high school). My husband is of German and French heritage. I am of Russian heritage and have a lot of friends who speak Russian. I have no idea what language would be most beneficial for my children to learn first. (and I do not want to start with Latin) :) Any recommendations? Thanks!

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We just went through the same question for my upcoming 3rd grader. My parents are german and I am a fluent speaker. We were deciding btwn languages k12 offers - French, Latin, German and Spanish. We ultimately decided to go w/ Spanish. While it would be nice if the kids could speak the same foreign language that I do... I feel that in the long run as an American, Spanish is much more important. We're planning on Spanish for now and Latin later.

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I took Spanish in high school and college. I never got very far with it. I lived in Italy and spoke some Italian, but I lost it. I decided to go with a totally different language first. We're learning French. We're using Learnables, which has gone very well so far. DS1 is flying through it. He's almost done with the first computer cd-rom. Then he moves to listening to CDs with the book. I'm going to see how it goes from there. It may be more teacher intensive than I'm looking for. I don't know yet. If it is, despite my desires not to, I may try Rosetta Stone for Spanish in 2 years.


Good luck.

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