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Anyone left PR and found happiness somewhere else?

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I can't believe I am actually thinking of leaving PR but there are several reasons why I am looking elsewhere. Maybe it is just a case of "the grass may be greener" but I am interested in hearing from anyone who has left PR and found happiness elsewhere.


My main reasons for leaving are:


-Time. I know this has been addressed in previous discussions that it will take me just as much time to complete separate programs that cover what PR does in one. Instead of PR I would use all of what HOD recommends (Rod & Staff, DITHOR, spelling with dictation).


-Cost. I have the teacher set of PR 3 minus two dvds and to update and complete the program I will have to spend almost $100. Rodd and Staff is much less and I can reuse it in its entirety.


-My daughter complains every time we go to do PR. I think it is due to the length of the writing in the program not actually the program itself.


-Effectiveness. We just completed PR 2 and she misspelled 15 of the 35 words on the final assessment test. This was discouraging to me. I even e mailed the author who did respond with some kind and helpful words. All that work and I'm not even sure how much she learned that she could have learned in an easier approach to spelling.


-Markings. All those markings!! Do they really help us spell? I see they continue on to PR 3. My children who went to a private school through second grade using a similar phonics program dropped markings after first grade and did fine.


-HOD uses and schedules Rod and Staff a strong grammar program that appeals to me and we could do a lot of it orally to save on writing.


-Literature study. I would probably just use DITHOR which HOD recommends.


Just typing this makes me feel sad about leaving PR. I think it is a great program and I was one of those that didn't mind watching the DVDs. I always felt like I was getting excellent teaching instruction. It was just time consuming and I usually ff through all the spelling.


Any thoughts? I really appreciate all the wisdom I gain from this forum and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

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The dvds killed me, I found out I don't process things well that I hear. I never realized that before. We are using Phonics Pathways instead of PR 1 now, and we switched to Shurley English and Spelling Workout also and are very happy, although of course it is not exactly equivalent. Shurley has Literature and Vocabulary for each level also. I do have DITHOR and we like that and will probably hang onto it also, until I see how the Shurley literature works out.

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Well, I'm with you Rainefox. The DVDs killed me. I could.not.teach.from.dvd. At all. I need something where the bulk of the instruction for ME is on paper. I actually suspect I have a slight auditory processing disorder, but I never realized that before PR. Even things I read aloud to the children sort of go right in one ear and out the other - I need to read quietly to myself. Go figure.

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I have no plans to stop using PR, I love it but I wanted to just post about the TM/DVD thing.


I take copious notes while watching the DVDs. I have sort of made myself a pseudo-TM from them. I just file them in with the week lists and I will have them when I go back around with my daughter.


I will probably watch the DVDs again anyway because I really enjoy them (I'm the oddball I think lol) I learn a lot from watching them and am so glad they are there.


I usually plan my lessons every 4-5 weeks so I'll sit and watch 4-5 weeks worth and take notes. It probably takes me an hour, I'm guessing.


I can understand how some people don't really like them though.

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Well I just found the DITHOR set I was looking for used and took the plunge and bought it. I figure I can always resell it right?


The more I read about HOD's reasoning behind how they teach LA it makes sense to me, especially spelling! My dd tends to spell better when she isn't trying to and naturally is just writing something. I think dictation spelling with keeping a list of words she regularly misses is where I am headed. She has already completed PR 1 and 2 and knows the spelling rules which she can apply to her spelling with dictation.


So I think I am going to say good bye to PR for now.


Thank you for all your responses!

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I really WANTED to love PR, bought it, tried it, and left it. The DVDs killed me, too - just couldn't make it work, even with taking massive amounts of notes. The time involved (to watch, take notes, and THEN teach) was also a killer. I still like the philosophy and the way Mrs. Beers teaches the content, but it just wasn't for us. Since leaving PR we have settled into FLL and WWE with SWO for spelling. The SWO works well for my naturally good speller; jury is still out for my second son who may not be a naturally good speller. Basically, we went with TWTM recs. and they are working! I am not familiar with HOD, but hear great things about it . . . hope you find what works and quickly! I know how frustrating it can be to switch.

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I really WANTED to love PR, bought it, tried it, and left it. The DVDs killed me, too - just couldn't make it work, even with taking massive amounts of notes. The time involved (to watch, take notes, and THEN teach) was also a killer. I still like the philosophy and the way Mrs. Beers teaches the content, but it just wasn't for us. Since leaving PR we have settled into FLL and WWE with SWO for spelling. The SWO works well for my naturally good speller; jury is still out for my second son who may not be a naturally good speller. Basically, we went with TWTM recs. and they are working! I am not familiar with HOD, but hear great things about it . . . hope you find what works and quickly! I know how frustrating it can be to switch.


Thank you for responding. You can read what I have decided to do in the above post. I may use it again with my younger dc but for now I am moving on! :001_smile:

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-Effectiveness. We just completed PR 2 and she misspelled 15 of the 35 words on the final assessment test. This was discouraging to me. I even e mailed the author who did respond with some kind and helpful words. All that work and I'm not even sure how much she learned that she could have learned in an easier approach to spelling.




I know you've made your decision, but I'm curious...did you do spelling tests/quizes each week along the way and go over any trouble words that she missed? I find that this helps a lot with my son and it is part of the recommendations of the program.

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I wonder if Mrs. Beers would consider making a totally text-based version of PR for those of us who are unable to work with the dvds......HELLO OUT THERE, MRS. B. IF YOU CAN HEAR ME DO YOU THINK YOU COULD HELP US AUDITORILY (IS THAT A WORD?) CHALLENGED MOMS? THANK YOU!


IS she on this forum? Everyone else is.....:D

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Thank you, ladies, for responding to the OP. I have been on the fence about PR for next year. After reading this, I think I will stay with McRuffy!

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I know you've made your decision, but I'm curious...did you do spelling tests/quizes each week along the way and go over any trouble words that she missed? I find that this helps a lot with my son and it is part of the recommendations of the program.


Thank you for this advice. Since there were only about 15 words per week I never gave a weekly test on these words....she never said to on the DVD's. The only testing I did was when one of the 4 tests were scheduled. She was doing fine until this last test. Maybe she was just having a bad day. I did go back through those words and retested them and she did much better. :001_smile:

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