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MUS....if I supplement with MM?

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I have been struggling with a math plan for next year. I am strongly leaning towards MUS with MM as a supplement for the younger two and a MUS/TT combo for my oldest.


I am looking at MM to see what I might want to print out for the younger two as a supplement to MUS. So, if you were to supplement MUS, what topics would you pull form MM?

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I used MUS this year for K and 1st. 1st grader ended up in Beta and K ended up in Alpha. I bought the 1st grade MM and pulled out Time, Money, and Shapes/Measuring and used those for the kids. In hind site, I could have just bought MM Time, Money, etc. which gives more meat on the subject (1st through 3rd or so). Not sure about next year. Back to MUS at this point for a while. HTH.

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Yup, we do this. What I do is we use MUS as our main text, then on 'off' days from school I get DD to do a review page on a previously learned topic in MM. So if we are doing Subtraction 1 type stuff, I get her to do a page from Addition 1. That makes it a bit more spirally, and hits on a few new angles for learning concepts (I really like the diversity of ways MM teaches concepts, but like the depth of MUS for initial teaching). We use the blue. We also supplement with Clock, Money, Geometry, Measurement etc. just for fun.



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