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CAT test results to school for Ohio assessment purposes...

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I rec'd my daughter's CAT test results. At the bottom it gives the percentile rank. Above it lists each section with her scores in each, how many right, etc. Does anyone know if for Ohio I need to include the entire test results or can I make a copy and cover up the portion that shows how many right/wrong she got? She took the 5th grade level CAT and got them all correct. :001_huh: So, I'm not sure the test was really all that great for me to see where she needs more help, etc. But I'm frankly worried that if the school sees her perfect scores, they'll question it! Ohio requires a percentile rank of 25th, so I would think I could just send that while covering up the details themselves. What do all you Ohioans do?




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has requested a copy of the scores on paper that shows what test they take. Some people say that they are asking for too much-- that a composite score is enough, but I send them copies of the score as I don't feel like we have anything to hide. There is paperwork that you can print off of of the HSLDA website to send in with your scores. HTH>

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Thanks, Ladies! I think I will send them a copy of the sheet sent to me that shows that she took the CAT. But I am thinking I will cover up the portions that explain how she scored section by section. I just don't think they need to know the details of the test. If I give them more than they ask for, they'll expect it later.



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We print our form from the CHEO website. It is under Assessments and then I click the pdf file and print it out. It shows only a place for the composite score, so that score is all I send. I do not send a copy of her test.


I haven't been homeschooling long, so I don't know if this is one of those "hot topics" but I don't think Marie in OH's county can request the whole form by law. One of my homeschooling friends had her county/district call and request the entire CAT form. She politely explained that it wasn't required by law and that she had followed the law in what she had submitted. The lady accused her of being able to lie and my friend politely explained that maybe some people would be she wouldn't. She received a call back within the hour from the lady, apologizing because she checked the state homeschooling law and she was not allowed to request the whole CAT results, only the composite.


I consider those scores my dd's private records, so I'm happy submitting the composite score and going on with my day:)


Hope that helps!

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