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Anyone a professional videographer?

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I need a professional digital video camera for as low a price as possible that would have an external microphone is and is easy for an amateur to use. I have knowledge of filming and editing, but it is not up to the professional level.


I keep looking on Amazon and I feel overwhelmed at the choices. I would love some recommendations. I need to get this as I will need to bring in finances for my family very soon and this is my one opportunity to do so.

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What are you wanting to film? If it's a wedding, you will need a small wireless microphone that can be attached to the groom's jacket (usually hidden). It will pick up all the talking and music that you need. The external microphone on most video cameras, even professional ones, are not usually the source of sound in a final, professional product. I'd at least test out the sound quality before doing a job.


As far as cameras, it's very hard to recommend, but you could go to your library and get copies of VideoMaker magazine for reviews and to find the exact features you'd like. :) (You can find a "professional" video camera for as low as $1500... Do you need a tripod and/or stabilizer to get rid of the "shakes"? lol Factor that in.)

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What are you wanting to film? If it's a wedding, you will need a small wireless microphone that can be attached to the groom's jacket (usually hidden). It will pick up all the talking and music that you need. The external microphone on most video cameras, even professional ones, are not usually the source of sound in a final, professional product. I'd at least test out the sound quality before doing a job.


As far as cameras, it's very hard to recommend, but you could go to your library and get copies of VideoMaker magazine for reviews and to find the exact features you'd like. :) (You can find a "professional" video camera for as low as $1500... Do you need a tripod and/or stabilizer to get rid of the "shakes"? lol Factor that in.)


I have factored all of that in, but I appreciate you asking. Yes, I will need an external mic as my current camcorder doesn't have a jack for one. I do already have a tripod. I am looking to film a single person for a business I am starting. I just feel overwhelmed at the choices and need some personal recommendations.

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We use Panasonic HMC 150 cameras in our wedding business. We've had really good luck with them. Easy to use and high quality. They may, however, be out of the price range you are wanting to stick with as they are upwards of $3,800 a piece. Knowing your price range would help determine the best quality to get.


P.S. Don't forget lighting. Are you going to need to outfit your cameras with some kind of lighting for what you will be shooting?

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