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A Shareable Moment . . .

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So, I'm hanging laundry outside with my two dd playing nearby, absently listening to dd1 chatter away. Suddenly, in the middle of wishing that one of my better friends wouldn't have to move away this summer, my subconscious siezes upon something I just heard and reruns it through my conscious mind. It's dd1's voice, all perky and bright, saying, "Hey, dd2, let's play catch with this stone, okay?" :001_huh:


I turn around just in time to hear her say, "Here!" and see her lob the rock at dd2. :w00t: Blessedly, it misses. I roar, "DD1!" and talk her through the reasoning that since we don't throw rocks it must not be a good idea to play catch with them. (!)


I thought boys were the ones who did these things! :ohmy::lol:


Mama Anna

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because the main thing I was thinking as I read your post was, "Wow, can her 1.5 year old talk!" :001_smile: I have a dd (8yr. old) who spends more time in trees, and wants her older sister to throw water balloons at her! But I will say she also loves pretty dresses!


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I thought boys were the ones who did these things! :ohmy::lol:


LOL! Erm, yeah, my eldest dd(5) is much more, shall we say, adventurous than my eldest ds(7). Her signature line seems to be "Hey! I've got a great idea..." :001_rolleyes:


I absolutely LOVE her spirit; I just wish sometimes I could channel it to more appropriate/slightly safer activities.

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