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How do YOU use KhanAcademy.com?

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My son just started Khan academy geometry and loves it! He is finishing up Saxon Algebra I and taking his first SAT through the Duke Talent search in June. Since he has had little geometry, he decided to work through the lessons on Khan. I'm looking forward to utilizing them more in the future.

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Does anyone use it for their elementary kids? If so, do you just let them loose with it? Is it true (as it states on the site) that watching all the arithmetic videos prepares them well for pre-alg/alg (assuming they do the exercises as well). Is this a stand-alone?

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I have my 4th grader working through the problems. I think it is going to get difficult quickly. I'm planning to have my older two start using it as a summer review. It looks like a great resource. She likes earning the badges. It gives her motivation.


I do supervise her to make sure she picks an exercise that she can accomplish. For example, she completed ones on angle types and then her next suggested exercise was from the Geometry portion. It would be too difficult for her.

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