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Never done this before...HELP!!

Guest mariasmama

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Guest mariasmama

OK this is going to be an adventure! A parent gave me this excellent website for info and support, now lets see if I can figure it out!!:)

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I am fairly new to homeschooling also. We are just finishing up the first year with my ds8 (started hsing him in October) and my dd11 (we removed her from public school last month). I still have my ds11 in public school since he receives so many special services there that I don't feel I could meet all of his needs (autism).


Check out the the curriculum boards. There is so much great information available from experienced hs parents, as well as reviews of curriculum/programs. Also, if you need any information about kids who learn differently or struggle with academics, there is quite a bit of good advice on the special needs board.


Good luck to you and your dc and welcome to WTM!

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